VFR Refresher

VFR Refresher 001: Minimum Safe Altitudes

How high do we need to fly? The regulations give us some minimum safe altitudes. Obviously, if we’re taking off or landing these don’t apply. And just to be clear, we’re talking about airplanes, not helicopters or other aircraft.

We always need to fly at an altitude that allows a forced landing without undue hazard to people or property on the surface.

Over congested areas (cities, towns, assemblies) we need to fly at least 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle within a horizontal radius of 2,000 feet.

Over other than congested areas, we need to fly at least 500 feet above the surface.

If we are over open water or sparsely populated areas we only need to stay 500 feet away from any person or object.

For more information on minimum safe altitudes check out this link: 14 CFR 91.119

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VFR Refresher 001: Minimum Safe Altitudes

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In "other than congested" areas, how high must we fly?

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Flying over sparsely populated areas or over water, how high must we fly?

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The regulations require us to fly how high except when taking off or landing?

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If you are flying over a congested area, such as a town, you must fly at least ______ feet above any object within ______ feet horizontally.

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