Aerodynamics, Ground School

Lift and Basic Aerodynamics

Before understanding how an airplane is controlled, it is important to first understand the four forces that affect an airplane in flight. These are thrust, drag, lift, and weight. After understanding these basics of aerodynamics we can move on to understanding the airplane itself. If you need a refresher on some definitions, check out Basic Aerodynamic Terms and Definitions. The…

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VFR Refresher

VFR Refresher 001: Minimum Safe Altitudes

How high do we need to fly? The regulations give us some minimum safe altitudes. Obviously, if we’re taking off or landing these don’t apply. And just to be clear, we’re talking about airplanes, not helicopters or other aircraft. We always need to fly at an altitude that allows a forced landing without undue hazard to people or property on…

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Airspace, Ask An AGI, Blog

Airspace Review

An acquaintance started his private pilot training and, much like me, his curiosity led to questions about things he hasn’t studied yet and doesn’t need to know yet. He asked me to put together a quick explanation of airspace and how VFR sectional charts depict it. This post is far from exhaustive, but it is a good start if you…

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